Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

Soft Skill

Najihatul Fitri
Summary of the video about Business Communication

What makes someone a good communicator in business:
1.       Charisma : many sector must have charisma such as sales, project management, customer follow up . Needs charismatic individuals to get the job done.
2.       being a good listener
3.       physical appearance
4.       wide range of vocab
5.       body language
6.       pronunciation

7.       correct grammar usage

      There are some vocab about business communication:
1. To be on the same wavelength or to be on the same page means that share similar ideas and opinions.
2. Get the job done means ability to complete tasks.
3. Make a sales pitch means a certain way or presentation of selling things (approach to sell).
4. Win someone over means able to sway convince people and you are able to make a sale.
5. Get away with means to escape or avoid a potentially dangerous outcome.
6. My take on something means my opinion on something.
7. (it) works like a charm means works very well.
8. Get by on means to survive or manage.
9. Make an ass of oneself means to make a fool of oneself.